Automatic profile creation on adult tube sites

Tube Sites Submitter will automatically or manually create profiles on over 200 adult tube sites. You can choose from up to 200 different categories!

PornHub Profile

In this article we will recall the importance of registering profiles at adult tube sites.

Most of you did this when you purchased Tube Sites Submitter, but it’s important to note, that you must perform this task regularly, at least  1 x every two months, but why?

Because we constantly update the database of adult tube sites and we add new adult tube sites into it, where you simply don’t have access yet. If you forget about it, or you simply don’t register, then you are unnecessarily losing traffic and sales too. In a few months it could easily happen that you are using only one third of the database. Therefore, it’s important to register to adult tube sites frequently.

What’s the fastest way to set adult tube sites for registration ?

Watch our short video and below the video you will also find quick steps for registration into adult tube sites.

1. First, you need to get an overview about the tube sites where you are already registered and about the ones where you aren’t yet.

2. All the tube sites where the checkbox isn’t checked are available to register to. So you don’t have a login/password there yet.

3. I have 37 of those and I’m going to mark them all, so Tube Site Submitter can create a profile at each of these adult tube sites.

4. I select the category and Tube Sites Submitter will request an account at only those tube sites, where they accept videos in my category. If no category is selected, then profiles will be created at every adult tube sites.

5. If you have adult tube sites divided into groups eg. by traffic etc … then you can create profiles at these adult tube sites only. Just select the group where you have these adult tube sites.

6. Then just set the number of threads for auto submit and the amount of pop-up windows for the manual submit.

And click START

The process of auto registration will start. Your profiles will be automatically created ( registered ) at the adult tube sites.

7. After the registration please check your email, because you will receive emails containing confirmation links. You need to open each of these confirmation links. For automated confirmation of links we recommend the software called Chameleon Confirmer.

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