This method is intended for those who do not want to use embed videos from large tube sites on their tube site, but want to have own uploaders who will upload the videos to adult tube site. Simply put, to become content independent.

We all know how tube sites work. Approximately 95 percent of tube sites share content from large adult tube sites such as PornHub, Xvideos, Youporn, x Hamster, etc .. and by sharing these videos they make money. However, what happened last year to the company that runs PornHub (they had to delete more than 10,000,000 videos) raises the question of till when this method of shared content will work. It looks like a change is coming and the rules are slowly starting to change, as the owners of the rights to use the videos enter into the whole dispute.

Therefore, it is good to slowly start changing part of the embed videos for content that the owners themselves upload to you. I started this process more than a year ago and my focus is to become completely content-independent, which means that I don’t want to share any content from large tube sites in a few years. You can already see what this rule change did with the keywords in the Google SERPs with Pornhub traffic. Pornhub does not publish much information, but it can be seen that there has been a very large drop in keywords in SERPs, see the graph where this change is visibly recorded.

How does this affect your business? Fatally!
Deleted videos that were deleted by Pornhub have stopped appearing on your site as well, sooner or later you will have to delete them, your keywords will also drop in the Google index, no one wants this, but it’s due to the fact that you share content from third parties.

Therefore, it is important to think about how it should work in the future. The best way is to be really content independent and instead of pouring money in copywriting, invest this money in larger hard drives and to manage your own webmasters and the people who produce this content. There are already complete solutions on the market today that you can use so that you can start working on this method almost immediately. Read below and we will advise you on a few basic steps.
Quote: One of the biggest advantages is that you get original content directly from video producers, you get a description of these videos, you become content independent, which is not that difficult at all. The second interesting thing is that you will become more and more interesting for searcher engines, because you will have original content with an original description.
All has its own pros and cons, in short the pros outweigh the cons.
- original video content
- original description for the videos
- videos divided into categories
- videos tagged by webmasters
- the real community on the tube site will grow
- the upload system works without the need to intervene in the process
- visual inspection of the content only
- you don’t have to embed videos from large tube sites
- the original description of the content will bring you better positions in SE
- users will return because of the unique content
- obtained contacts for webmasters, web cam models, managers
- making money in the internal system
- web hosting with more disk space min. 10 TB
- powerful server
- initially higher investments
After Pornhub other porn tube sites can follow, which can erase tens of millions of videos for which they do not have user rights, it can be a disaster for your site.
The first question from you will probably be .. Okay, but how do I do that?
We have to start from scratch and this is a system on which content will run, not all adult CMS’s are ideal for a lot of content and a lot of traffic, but there is a solution that I have tested and if you have a really good web server and good CMS everything will work for you even on high traffic.
The adult CMS, which I tested for more than a year on this method, is Kernel Video Sharing, it has everything you need, it’s a little expensive, but the features, system stability and fast support have clearly won me over. I mainly focused on how this system will convert the videos, how fast and how much stress will put it on the server, because as adult webmasters start uploading their videos, your server can get easily overloaded if you don’t have it fine tuned. Dozens of videos were converted at the server simultaneously in real time, so the server ran at peak performance, don’t forget that you still have a high number of visitors to the server, you have to pay attention to this.
Fortunately, at Kernel Video Sharing you can set up more and more servers which will convert videos, so the main server on which the user traffic is located can concentrate its performance on meeting the requirements of the visitors to your website.
I have the server set up and the CMS installed, where and how do I get video content?
We have come to the main thing, and that is why I started writing this article. I want to share with you the information I gained during my annual testing and show you how to slowly become content-independent and stop sharing videos from large adult tube sites. I will introduce you to a 100 percent passive method of obtaining legal content on your adult tube site. The very first step is to have the parameters set correctly in Kernel Video Sharing CMS, which means the categories and especially make the upload form work, through which webmasters will submit their videos.

Always use only categories matching the niche of your adult tube site, the more categories in your tube site you have the more videos you get. This could also result in filling up your hard drives on your web hosting pretty fast. Therefore, consider how much category you select, e.g. at a general tube site you will need about 3-5 TB of hard drive space to start with, if you want to have a smaller niche site then you can start with a 1 TB disk and gradually expand it. I started exactly from a small disk which is about 3 TB, and I gradually added the disks as needed.
The next step is to submit your tube site to the Tube Sites Submitter
As you know, Tube Sites Submitter is used by many webmasters who upload their videos to adult tube sites, and your tube sites can be part of the TSS database. By adding your tube site, new videos will start coming directly to your tube site. Please read the terms of addition before adding your tube site. After approval, the first videos will start coming your way in a few hours.
The videos come gradually, it’s up to you which video you accept and which you don’t, the whole process is passive until the videos are approved.

Who are the people who upload videos to my tube site?
They are the people who use Tube Sites Submitter for their marketing, so they are webmasters, they are pay sites managers, affiliate program managers and web cam models. Each of these groups will first create a profile at your tube site and upload these videos under their profile and possibly create a web portfolio on your site.
More than 1000 registered webmasters, managers and webcam models.
I tested this method completely passively, which means that I did not develop any other marketing methods to get more videos or more users to upload content. The result was that within 3 months I had more than 1000 adult webmasters, affiliate managers and webcam models registered on my tube site and they have uploaded around 30,000 videos. It should be said that these are real users, in addition to information about the user, you can also see the videos they uploaded.
Undoubtedly, this method has a great benefit for SEO. These uploaders sent original descriptions to videos, so if they used the SPINTAX function, then these video descriptions are never the same in Google searches. They created their private profiles and profiles for their web pages and their channels. It is definitely a benefit for your website, and if you want to become content-independent, I recommend that you start today and that you gradually start changing your embed content, which you have downloaded from large tube sites, for your own content. You don’t have to do everything, give yourself a goal of 5 percent, if you see a positive contribution to your tube site, gradually continue. If the current market leaders will have to delete millions more videos once again, then it will not mean any change for you, because you will be independent from their content.
Did you like the article? Write us a message under the article of your experience and opinions on this method.
The titles and descriptions will be original only if the webmasters do not copy and paste them. I imagine they upload the same videos everywhere else, and they will not write different stuff on every site, they will simply copy and paste it.
Hi, Spinatx changes your words and the meaning of sentences.
But what is about financial matters? How to be exact with money? CMS, traffic? Have you some calculations?
This article was focused on the topic … How to make your own adult tube site with independent content. I didn’t make a budget for CMS.