You can use your own content for your own promo. The result is more followers, more sales.
How to upload porn videos?
OnlyFans has over 120 million registered users. Number of content creators. The competition is huge.
Read the article about the promo method that works for OnlyFans and Fansly!
Do you want to upload porn videos and get the attention of your target audience ? Uploading to popular porn tube sites can be the key to achieving this goal. Here’s a guide to help you get the most out of your wonderful videos:
Your videos need to be uploaded to as many porn tube sites as possible. Use Tube Sites Submitter’s database, where you have over 370 adult tube sites ready for you to make your porn videos enjoyable and easy to upload. Buy Tube Sites Submitter and install it.

Upload porn videos to tube sites
If you decide to upload videos manually, here are some simple steps:
- Create an account. You can do this manually if you have your own list of tube sites, e.g. go to the Pornhub website and click on “Sign Up”. Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new account.
- Sign in.
- After logging in, click “Upload” in the upper right corner of the screen. Then follow the on-screen instructions to upload your video.
- After uploading your video, fill in the video information such as title, description, category, and labels (tags) to help users find your content.
- Verification. Verification is usually done by providing a verification document, such as a photo ID.

Publishing your video: once all steps have been successfully completed, your video will be published on Pornhub and will be available for public viewing.
Pornhub is just one of the 370 adult tube sites you can find in the Tube Sites Submitter. Create more profiles on more and more adult tube sites where you can upload your videos.
Read other articles on how to create profiles on adult tube sites or how to use Tube Sites Submitter.