Over 280 tube sites ready for upload!

Dear users, from now you can upload your videos to more than 280 tube sites which are part of  Tube Sites Submitter! Just update your database! You don’t have Tube Sites Submitter yet? Don’t hesitate and try out the new and effective way of selling adult paysite memberships!

Exclusive advertising space on Tube Sites Submitter!

From today we offer you an exclusive advertising space on http://www.tubesitessubmitter.com/ site! Type of Traffic: Tube Sites Submitter attracts 100% of adult webmaster traffic. These are users who know how to make money using tube sites submitter. This type of traffic is suitable for: Promoting tube solutions such as: scripts, free hosted galleries, or anything regarding … Read more

How To Make Money With Tube Sites Submitter

Make money

Part I Preparation There are multiple ways to make money with tube submits. The basic concept is to submit the sponsor videos to tubes and get traffic/sales using the watermark and using the backlinks (sometimes banners also) placed under the video. The best part about tube video submitting is that we don’t need any fancy … Read more

Tube Sites List

Here you can see the list of tubes which are in the database of Tube Sites Submitter. The amount of tubes in the database is always changing, because the database is updated every day.