Upload/submit videos to xhamster.com automatically

Xhamster.com is one of the largest tube sites with huge traffic, so it’s a perfect place to submit your videos. Traffic from xhamsters.com is stable and more national, as you can see on the graphs and stats.

Xhamsters.com has more than 10 000 000 visitors a day

Xhamsters.com has millions of visitors daily ( data from March 2018 )

Xhamster.com - traffic
Xhamster.com – traffic

Most traffic comes from the USA ( data from March 2018 )

Most traffic comes from the USA ( data from March 2018 )
Xhamster.com – Most traffic comes from the USA ( data from March 2018 )

Automated profile creation at Xhamsters.com

Tube Sites Submitter will create a profile at most adult tube sites present in the database ( more than 230 adult tube sites ) including xhamster.com. You can set up your profile and start uploading your videos right away after a short approval process by xhamster’s team.

Upload/Submit adult videos to xhamster.com

Just set up your video, video description, categories in Tube Sites Submitter and your video can be uploaded without your assistance, set up the scheduler to automate your video submissions to Xhamsters.com. In the scheduler you can set unlimited amount of videos, the amount of videos ready for upload is totally up to you. If you have a slower Internet connection or upload, then just set up the video submission for the night, when you are not working, this way your Internet connection won’t be overloaded and in the morning you can check the upload results to xhamsters.com.

You will see the result marked as ‘Success’ in case the video(s) have been successfully submitted to xhamster.com.

Success submit to xhamster.com
Success submit to xhamster.com
Success submit to xhamster.com
Success submit to xhamster.com









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